Curious about fragrance notes and scent throw? This image features Dayas Essence wax melts, each with its unique blend of notes. Discover how these notes influence the fragrance experience in our blog post.

How Long Do Wax Melts Last? | The Science of Scent Throw & Notes

I've spent a small fortune (and more hours than I care to admit) on my wax melt obsession, sniffing out everything from the heavenly to the absolute duds.

But through countless burns, a fair few headaches, and a whole lot of trial and error, I've not only discovered the joy of a truly fantastic wax melt, but I've also cracked the code to making my own – melts so good, you'll be wondering how you ever lived without them.

Daya's Essence wax melts in various scents, including Beach Towels, Rhuby Rose, Pomegranate Black, Bora Bora, Bedtime Baby, and Spring.

What Sets Daya's Melts Apart?

It's all in the ingredients, really!

I combine top-quality wax with the finest fragrance oils, and a secret weapon:

A supercharged fragrance load.

I pour three times more fragrance oil into my melts.

Why? Because I want you to experience a proper scent explosion, not some weak whiff.

My melts are designed to last at: 

 least 30 glorious hours

Filling your home with a rich, satisfying aroma that'll keep your nose happy from start to finish.

Understanding Fragrance Throw and Notes: Why Some Wax Melts Last Longer Than Others

Right, before we get into the nitty-gritty of my special recipe, let's get familiar with some fragrance lingo. Two key terms are important when it comes to wax melts: Throw and Notes.


This is how far the scent travels from the melt. Think of it like this: A melt with a strong throw will fill your whole house with fragrance, while a melt with a weak throw might only scent a small area. It's the difference between a quiet murmur and a booming voice filling the room.


Fragrance oils are made up of different chemicals, and each one is called a note. They're like instruments in a band, each contributing to the overall tune of the fragrance.

Fragrance Oils: The combination of Scents...On Steroids (and with a 30-Hour Encore)

Picture this: Your favourite hot sauce, but with three times the kick. That's the kind of fragrance experience you can expect from my melts. By tripling the usual amount of fragrance oil, I'm basically cranking up the heat, creating a scent that's stronger, bolder, and lasts way longer

But what exactly does that mean for your nose?

Here's a breakdown of how the fragrance timeline unfolds in a typical wax melt versus a Daya's melt:

Typical 10% Fragrance Load

Top Notes: 1-2 hours
Middle Notes: 4-6 hours
Base Notes: 6-8 hours
Total Duration: 11-16 hours

Daya's 30% Fragrance Load

Top Notes: 4+ hours
Middle Notes: 8-10 hours
Base Notes: 10-15+ hours (often lasting for days)
Total Duration: 30+ hours

Did you know? 

Now, not all of my scents are going to blow your socks off. Take Sweet Queen, Lover's Island, and the other gentler ones – they won't be as in-your-face as Dove Supreme or Dettol Pine. That's just how fragrance oils are; some are meant to be strong, others more subtle.

But even my softer fragrances will still outlast those with less fragrance oil, giving you a long-lasting and enjoyable scent experience, no matter your preference.

The Science of Long-Lasting Scents: Fragrance Notes and Throw.

Ever wondered what makes a fragrance oil "strong" or "subtle" in a wax melt?

Well, it's like making a creamy mushroom pasta – a combination of different ingredients, each adding its own flavour to the dish. Some ingredients, like garlic or chilli flakes, are more upfront, making their presence known right away. But use too much, and you've ruined dinner. It's all about balance.

Other ingredients, like thyme or parsley, are more subtle. They add depth and complexity to the dish, but they don't overpower the other flavours.

Fragrance oils are the same way. Some scents are more intense, while others are more delicate. It's all about finding the right combination of ingredients to create a balanced and enjoyable fragrance experience.

Ingredients That'S COMMON in Fragrance Oils

Limonene Found in citrus fruits, this one gives a bright, fresh, and zesty scent.
Linalyl Acetate Found in lavender and bergamot, this one gives a fresh, floral scent with a touch of sweetness.
Alpha-Pinene Common in pine and rosemary, this gives a sharp, clean, and invigorating smell.
Geraniol This rosy-smelling compound is often found in geraniums and roses, adding a sweet floral touch to fragrances.
Citral This lemony-fresh ingredient is key in lots of citrusy scents. It's known for its uplifting and refreshing aroma.

Just because a fragrance oil contains these compounds doesn't automatically mean it's going to be a powerhouse.

It's all about how the ingredients mingle and how much of each one is in the mix, kind of like a cocktail party where everyone needs to play nice. Some oils are naturally more laid-back and subtle, even with a few big personalities thrown in.

But then you've got the other guys – the unsung heroes, the backbone of the fragrance, keeping the whole thing from going off the rails.

These are often your warm, woody, or musky notes, made up of heavier molecules that are in no rush to leave the party.

They hang out in the wax, slowly releasing their scent like a smooth, slow jam that keeps the good vibes going all night long.

Some of These "Party Animals" Include:

  • Vanillin: This sweet, comforting scent is basically vanilla extract in its purest form. Think warm cookies fresh out of the oven.
  • Coumarin: A sweet, hay-like aroma that smells like summer in the countryside.
  • Patchouli: An earthy, woody scent that adds a touch of mystery and intrigue, a bit like walking through a forest after it rains.

Think of it like a Netflix rom-com – the perfect mix of characters makes or breaks the whole thing, right? You've got your quirky best friend, the brooding love interest, and the wise old grandma giving advice. Each one brings their own vibe to the mix, creating that perfect balance of cheesy and heartwarming.

Fragrance oils are the same way.

Some scents are like the life of the party, bursting with energy and demanding attention. Others are more like the quiet observer, adding depth and complexity without stealing the show. It's all about finding the right balance of notes – the divas, the wallflowers, and everything in between – to create a fragrance that'll make you swoon.

The Daya's Essence Difference

My fragrance oils? Think of them like a perfectly blended cocktail, not too strong, not too weak, just right. A beautiful mix of bold and subtle scents that'll linger and fill your home with gorgeousness. And because I only use the good stuff – top-notch, safe, and totally legal fragrance oils – you can rest easy knowing you're getting the best of the best for your home.

Daya's Essence wax melts in various scents, including Old Flower, Sour Patch, Caribbean Breeze, Dragons Blood, and PrimWhite.

So, if you're fed up with those wishy-washy melts that disappear before you can even say "wax melt," give mine a go. Trust me, your nose will be doing a happy dance.

Shop long-lasting wax melts now!

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