A full wax melt pool in a warmer, ideal for a strong scent throw in larger rooms. Wondering how much wax is right for your space? Read our blog for expert tips on maximising your fragrance experience.

"How much wax melt should I use?"

Hey there, scent lovers! Ready to dive into the delightful world of wax melts?

I'm here to share some knowledge about fragrance load, melt pool dynamics, and how to create an experience you'll love.

Fragrance Load: Crank it Up

Fragrance Load

First things first: Fragrance load. It's like adding an extra shot of espresso to your morning coffee – the more you add, the stronger the buzz.

In wax melts, a higher fragrance load means a more intense scent experience. So, if you're the kind of person who likes their scents loud and proud, our 30% fragrance load is right up your alley!

The Melt Pool: Your Fragrance Dance Party

Melt Pool

Now, let's talk about the melt pool – that glorious puddle of melted wax that forms in your warmer dish. Think of it like a dance floor for scent molecules. The bigger the pool, the more molecules can bust a move and spread the fragrant fun throughout your home.

Why does this matter? Well, it all comes down to surface area. Imagine a tiny splash of water versus a massive swimming pool. The pool has way more space for water molecules to evaporate and spread out.

The same goes for wax melts: A larger melt pool means a larger surface area for fragrance molecules to escape and fill your space with scenty goodness.

But wait, there's more to this party than just the size of the dance floor!

Factors Influencing Melt Pool and Throw

Temperature The temperature of your room also plays a role. If your room is too cold, those fragrance molecules will be sluggish and slow to spread. If it's too hot, they'll evaporate too quickly, leaving you with a short-lived scent burst. Aim for a happy medium, somewhere between 20-25°C (68-77°F). And keep your warmer away from direct heat sources like radiators or fireplaces – you don't want to roast your melts!
Humidity A bit of moisture in the air can be a bit of a buzzkill, weighing those molecules down like a soggy dance floor.
Air Currents A gentle breeze can carry those fragrance molecules far and wide, like a conga line snaking through the crowd.
The Molecules Themselves Some fragrances are naturally more lively and outgoing than others. Think of them as the extroverts of the scent world, eager to mingle and make their presence known.

Finding Your Perfect Wax-to-Space Ratio

A young girl standing in a dimly lit, cosy bedroom, gazing at a lit wax melt burner placed on a wooden bedside table. The room is warmly decorated with soft bedding, a large teddy bear on the bed, and framed pictures on the walls. The atmosphere is serene and comforting, with candles adding a gentle glow to the space.

But just like Goldilocks, you want to find the perfect balance. Too much wax and your space might be overwhelmed. Too little, and you might not get the fragrance you're looking for.

Here's where things get interesting.

In my spacious Victorian townhouse, a full tub of wax melt in my living room burner fills the whole house with scent, reaching even my attic office two floors up! But on days when I'm craving a subtler scent, half a tub will scent throw to my kitchen and the first floor.

One of our clever customers, Sarah, noticed a similar effect when experimenting with our Sweet Queen wax melt.

She first cut a full tub in half and placed each half in a separate burner in the same room, creating a powerful, intense scent throughout her home.

The next day, she melted only one of those halves in a single burner, and while the scent was still noticeable, it wasn't as strong as the previous day.

This is because with two burners, she had doubled the surface area of melted wax, allowing more fragrance molecules to be released in the air and creating a more intense fragrance throw.

Fragrance Oils: Different Scents, Different Notes!

Fragrances are like people—some are bold and outspoken, while others are more subtle and nuanced. Take Dettol Pine and Dove Supreme, for example. They're the life of the party, filling your space with their powerful aroma.

On the other hand, White Gardenia, Jasmine, Uplift, and Lovers Island are more like the quiet introverts, offering a gentler but still captivating fragrance experience.

Why the difference? It all comes down to the unique chemistry of each oil – the secret sauce that determines how a scent behaves in a wax melt.

Some molecules are simply more eager to evaporate and spread their magic, while others prefer to take their time.

Fragrance oils are often a blend of different notes –

Top Notes The first impression, the initial burst of fragrance you notice when you light your melt. They tend to be light, fresh, and uplifting.
Middle Notes Also called heart notes emerge as the top notes fade. They form the core of the fragrance, adding depth and complexity.
Base Notes The foundation of the scent, the notes that linger longest after the others have faded. They tend to be rich, warm, and grounding.

Fragrance Oils

This complex interplay of notes is what makes each fragrance unique and gives it its own distinct personality.

Choosing Your Burner: The DJ of Your Fragrance Party

The type of warmer you use can also affect how your wax melts perform.

Electric burners with different wattages can make a noticeable difference.

A higher wattage bulb means more heat, which can lead to a stronger scent throw, but it can also shorten the life of your melt.

Here's a quick rundown of my wax melt wisdom:

Glass Dishes They can get super hot, which might not be the best for your wax melts.
Oil Burners Designed for essential oils, not wax melts. The high heat can scorch your fragrance and shorten its lifespan.
G9 Bulbs They tend to concentrate the heat in the centre of the dish, potentially "cooking" your wax melt.
My Favourites GU10 35w bulbs, ceramic dishes, or 20-35w hotplates. GRAB THE BULBS HERE

Three clear GU10 halogen light bulbs with reflective surfaces and bi-pin bases displayed against a white background.

Location, Location, Location!

Avoid window sills or enclosed spaces like bookcases and shelves. 

Illustration of a home interior showing a wax melt burner with a lit candle, placed on a windowsill. The burner is marked with a red prohibition sign, indicating that it should not be used in this location. The room also features a bookshelf with books and decorative items, and a 'NO' sign displayed on top of the shelf.

Fragrance molecules need room to breathe and spread their wings, so give them a wide berth. 

So if you currently have your burner on the windowsill even if the window is closed, a windowsill is a cooler spot compared to the rest of your room. This is because the glass tends to conduct heat away, especially in colder weather.

Windows could have tiny drafts that can interfere with the warm air rising from your burner.

This can disrupt the fragrance distribution and make it harder for the scent to spread throughout the room.

Similarly if you have your burner on a log burner, radiator cabinet or gas fire, the intense heat from a log burner or gas fire, or even the gentle warmth of a radiator, can make the air molecules around your burner heavier and denser. This makes it harder for the lighter fragrance molecules to diffuse effectively, as they get "stuck" in the denser air and struggle to travel throughout the room.

Fragrance molecules are tiny particles that move through the air by a process called diffusion. They naturally spread out from areas of high concentration (your burner) to areas of low concentration (the rest of the room). 

So, find a nice, cosy spot for your burner that's away from drafts, excessive heat, and enclosed spaces. This will allow those fragrance molecules to freely diffuse and fill your home with their gorgeous scent.

So, How Much of Daya's Essence Wax Should I Use?

A full tub (around 20g) Will give you the strongest scent, lasting about 30+ hours and filling your entire space. Longevity depends on scent profile and warmer used.
Half a tub (around 10g) Is still a scent powerhouse, but with a slightly gentler touch. You'll get about 18 hours of fragrance, enough to fill a room and spill over into neighbouring areas.
A quarter tub (around 5g) Is for those who prefer a more subtle scent, lasting about 8 hours and mostly staying in the room where you're melting it.

But remember, no matter how much you use, our wax melts are still going to smell incredible!

That's because my special 30% fragrance loaded formula ensures even distribution of fragrance, so every bit of wax is packed with scent, far more intense than a 10% fragrance scented wax melt.

The beauty of my wax melts is that you can cut them to your desired strength.

So go ahead and experiment! Whether you want an strong fragrance bomb or a gentle aroma, you can customise your experience to perfectly suit your preferences.

Daya's Essence wax melts in various scents, including Old Flower, Sour Patch, Caribbean Breeze, Dragons Blood, and PrimWhite.

I test all our fragrances in different scenarios, so you can be confident that they'll perform beautifully no matter how you use them. And if I ever have any concerns about a scent, I'll take action to ensure my customers always get the best experience possible.

After all, top quality and service is the heart and soul of Daya's Essence!

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